At the beginning of the famous film Once Upon a Time in the West the character Harmonica is facing a small group of bandits.
Harmonica says, "Did you bring a horse for me?" The main bandit turns around, counts the horses, turns back and, with a smirk, replies, "Looks like we're shy one horse."
All the gunmen find this remark amusing. Alas, their smiles freeze when Harmonica shakes his head and says, "You brought two too many."
Question: How many bandits is Harmonica facing?
Probably four, although I have no idea what "shying a horse" means.
More correct would be "shy of one horse" [[(shy of) informal less than; short of : he won the championship with a score three points shy of a world record.]]. But he's a bandit.
However, the answer is not correct.
Oh! Then it must be an integer number.
Depends how many bandits he decides to shoot...
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